Kollmeyer, Benjamin
Chief Science Officer

M.P.H., Environmental Health Science, Industrial Hygiene Program, U.C. Berkeley, 1996
Bachelor of Science, Political Economy of Natural Resources, U.C. Berkeley, 1993
Certifications and Registrations
Certified Industrial Hygienist, Comprehensive Practice. Issued by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene – Certificate #8045CP
Professional Experience
Ben has extensive experience in the environmental health arena, conducting hundreds of investigations involving a variety of physical, chemical and biological hazards in occupational and community settings. He routinely consults in both the public and private sector performing field investigations and developing prevention and management programs. With experience on several large and high-profile building investigations, Ben is frequently called upon to provide forensic analysis as an expert witness and to manage risk communication issues with stakeholder groups.
As the FACS Chief Science Officer, Ben provides guidance regarding emergent environmental health issues and serves as the primary liaison on technical matters. He conducts investigations and provides management and oversight on a variety of projects involving occupational and community exposures to hazardous agents.
Ben’s previous roles include:
Coast Community College District. Ben was responsible for the management of the Environmental Health & Safety office for three community college campuses. He performed routine industrial hygiene sampling and exposure assessments, developed employee training programs, responded to employee concerns, conducted worker’s compensation claim investigations, reviewed facility improvement projects and revised the District Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Ben addressed a variety of issues, including but not limited to: confined space entry, fall protection, formaldehyde safety, laser safety, personal protective equipment, chemical storage, indoor air quality, mold, workplace violence, ergonomics, respiratory protection and hazardous waste management.
Allied Signal Aerospace, Torrance CA. Ben conducted noise assessments, evaluation of spray coating operations, confined space entry training, respirator fit testing, ergonomic evaluations and AQMD permitting surveys.
Myra L. Frank and Associates, Los Angeles CA. Ben prepared environmental impact reports, alternatives analyses, and preliminary assessments for various mass transit and public works projects. Ben also addressed a broad spectrum of issues including noise, aesthetics, hazardous waste, land use, geology, demographics, and regulatory compliance.
Professional Affiliations & Honors
- American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA):
- AIHA Indoor Environmental Quality Committee, Chair (2015 – 2016)
- AIHA Content Portfolio Advisory Group (2013 – Present)
- Chinese Drywall Working Group (2011 – 2012)
- AIHA Registries Strategic Advisory Team (2011 – 2012)
- Member (1998 – Present)
- ASTM International, Committee D22 on Air Quality (2017 – Present)
- “Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Legionella in Building Water Systems” AIHA, 2015 (contributing author).
- “Body of Knowledge, Indoor Air Quality Practitioner” AIHA, 2015 (contributing author).
- “Tips for Telling the VOC Story: Making Sense of VOCs in IEQ Investigations” The Synergist, November 2012.
- Chapter 17, Direct-Reading Instruments for Gases, Vapors, and Particulates Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, 6th edition (National Safety Council, 2012)
- “When Technical Expertise is Not Enough: Communication Tips for Addressing IEQ Issues in Schools” The Synergist, September 2010.
- “Turning Liability into Opportunity: Capturing and Promoting the Value of a Healthful Environment” The Bottom Line, Volume 23, Number 2, April/May 2008.
- “Toxic Mold Assessment, Mitigation, Prevention at D.O.D. Facilities” Federal Facilities Environmental Journal, Volume 15, Summer 2004.
- Spin Doctoring: A Multiple Regression Analysis of the Efficacy of Local Exhaust Ventilation in Reducing Solvent Exposures During Spin-Coat Operations” Semiconductor Safety Association Journal, Volume 11, Spring 1997.
- “Emerging Environmental Health Liabilities in the Construction Industry” Association of General Contractors California Annual Conference, Rancho Mirage, CA (October 2015)
- “IAQ/IEQ Practitioner Body of Knowledge” Indoor Air Quality Association 18th Annual Meeting, Grapevine, TX (March, 2015)
- “Not Your Typical Dust In the Wind: Investigations of Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) Cases” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN (June 2012). California Industrial Hygiene Council Conference, San Francisco, CA (December, 2013)
- “Realizing Synergies Among IEQ Professionals” Indoor Air Quality Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (March 2012)
- “The Hazards of Going Green” Risk and Insurance Management Society Western Regional Conference, Las Vegas, NV (October 2011)
- “Chinese Drywall Update” MC Consultants East Region Construction Defect and Law Conference, Boca Raton, FL (June 2011)
- “Who You Gonna Call? Biofilms in IEQ Investigations” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO (May 2010).
- “Something in the Water: Emergent Microbial Agents in Water Systems” Hospitality Law Conference, Houston, TX (February 2009)
- “Managing Environmental Health in the Housing Sector” AMERIND Conference, San Diego, CA (October 2008)
- “Legionella Investigations: The Challenge of Context” American Industrial Hygiene Conference andExhibition, Philadelphia, PA (June 2008)
- “Environmental Impairments in the Hospitality Industry” Risk and Insurance Management Society Conference, San Diego, CA (April 2008)
- “Interpretation of Carpet Microvacuum Results in a Litigated Matter” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL (May 2006).
- “Responding to Mold Growth Issues in the Wake of Hurricanes Katrina & Rita” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL (May 2006).
- “Effective Management of Environmental Health Issues” Public Agency Risk Managers Association Annual Conference, Palm Springs, CA (February 2006).
- “Addressing Mold Growth on Lumber during Construction” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA (May 2005).
- “Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Mold Investigations: The Role of PCR Analysis” Northwest Occupational Health Conference, Portland, OR (October 2004).
- “Challenges of Investigating and Remediating Mold Growth in a Large Medical Facility” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA (May 2004).
- “Use of Particulate Counters to Predict Airborne Mold Spore Concentrations Following Fungal Remediation in a Large Hotel” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA (May 2004).
- “An Approach to Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Mold Investigations” American Indoor Air Quality Council Workshop, Los Angeles, CA (July 2003).
- “Managing Indoor Air Quality Issues” Public Agency Risk Managers Association Annual Conference, Palm Springs, CA (February 2003).
- “Assessing Contamination of Porous Surfaces Affected by Mold Releases in the Built Environment” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, San Diego, CA (June 2002).