Feng, Lydia
Senior Project Manager

M.S., Environmental Health Science/Industrial Hygiene, University of California Berkeley
B.S., Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles
Certifications & Registrations
Certified Industrial Hygienist
Professional Experience
Lydia has 9 years of experience in the environmental health and industrial hygiene field assessing chemical and physical hazards to human health. Previously, Lydia provided technical consulting support for environmental and toxic tort litigation; conducting research and preparing exposure and risk assessments related to pollutants released from industrial facilities across the country, including paper mills, wood treatment facilities, a coke production plant, a polychlorinated biphenyl manufacturing plant, a secondary copper facility and a crude oil tank farm. Lydia carried out her graduate research on risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders on a group of San Francisco workers employed in the dairy, mushroom, chair and stone industries. Lydia also conducted hazard assessments at various locations on the UC Berkeley campus which included volatile organic compound exposure evaluations in chemistry labs and particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure evaluations at a pavement research center. She published a paper with UC Berkeley faculty on human health risk assessment ontology, to aid in the use and analysis of environmental health literature. Additionally, Lydia worked on a California EPA research paper examining data on levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in California indoor air. She also coauthored a book titled the Risks of Hazardous Wastes, which examines pollutants from various industries and their consequences on human health and the environment.
Lydia has been a project manager at FACS for over 10 years, where she has managed and provided assistance in numerous environmental health and industrial hygiene projects, including chemical exposure assessments, indoor environmental quality assessments, Legionella/water quality assessments, and mold and moisture assessments. Projects have taken place in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, laboratories, construction sites, industrial facilities, and residences.
Short Courses/Symposiums
- California Conference on Lead, Housing and Healthy Homes, 2016
- Environmental and Occupational Health Technical Symposium at CSUN, 2016
- AIHA / ASSE Joint Technical Symposium (JTS) Conference, 2015
- American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce): Annual Conferences, 2012, 2013
- Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) 35th Anniversary Symposium, 2013
- COEH Summer Institute – Fundamentals of Workplace Safety, 2012
- AIHA Northern California Section – Laboratory Risk Management and Safety Practices Technical Symposium, 2012
- Urban Environmental Pollution: Annual Conference, 2010
Professional Affiliations & Honors
- American Industrial Hygiene Association, National member
- American Industrial Hygiene Association, Southern California Section member (board member 2014-present)